Selfie vs mucch song is sung by . Record label of this song is Jass Records. This song is penned by and composed by . This song was released on 23 Jun 2018. Its mix and mastering is achieved by Gurjinder Guri, cinematography is executed by Shoeb Siddiqui and cinematography is executed by I.P.S Malhi. Its editor & grading is Gobindpuriya, video is created by Yakka Production and production is done by Yakka Production. Its its directed by Paramjit Ghumaan, makeup is done by Jimmy.
CRBT Instructions:
Label | Jass Records (94780:69934)
Title : Selfie Vs Mucch
Mix & Master : Gurjinder Guri
Dop : Shoeb Siddiqui
Lyrics coming soon