Sau fikr song is sung by . Record label of this song is TSeries. This song is written by . It is produced by Abhishek Sharma. This song was released on 05 Mar 2019. Its ♪ live instrument arrangement is Mohammad Shadab, ♪ saxophone & flute is ID Rao and ♪ guitar is Kalyan Baruah. Its ♪ back up vocal is Aqeel Khan, production is done by Rupak Iyer and ♪ assistant engineers is Abhishek Sortey & Dhananjay Khapekar. Its its directed by Aarti ‘N’ Raj, ♪ d.o.p. is Suresh Beesaveni and ♪ associate d.o.p. is Srinivas Beesaveni.

Its ♪ focus puller is Chut Kumcharoen, ♪ stylist is Sandesh Navlakha and ♪ assistant stylist is Vishal. Its production is done by Prateek Rohini Jagade, production is done by Rajesh Pandey, Niket Singh and ♪ thailand line producer is Bunty Bhatia & Neeti Bhatia. Its ♪ editor is Nitin FCP (Paperboyz Studio), ♪ assistant editor is Narendra Jaiswal and produced by is FLEDGE ENTERTAINMENT.
♪ Live Instrument Arrangement: Mohammad Shadab
♪ Saxophone & Flute: ID Rao
♪ Guitar: Kalyan Baruah
♪ Back up vocal: Aqeel Khan
♪ Vocal Production: Rupak Iyer
Lyrics coming soon

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