Saadey cm saab - title track song is sung by . Record label of this song is SagaHits. This song is penned by and composed by . It is produced by Sumeet Singh. This song was released on 30 Aug 2018. Its costume is Chahak Nagpal, movie is Saadey CM Saab and its directed by Vipin Parashar. Its cinematography is executed by Sunita Radia, executive producer is Jyoti Bajaj, Vidhu Lather and production is done by Raashid Rangrez. Its dialogues is Rajiv Thakur, Balraj Syal, Surmeet Maavi, background score is Avishek Majumder and editor is Protim. Its arrangement is Rishi : Siddharth, mix and mastering is achieved by Girish Sharma.
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Costume : Chahak Nagpal
Movie Details:
Movie: Saadey CM Saab
Director: Vipin Parashar
Lyrics coming soon