Rabb kise di na todhe song is sung by . Record label of this song is Speed Records. This song is penned by and composed by . It is produced by Monty Shoor, Rakesh Thakar, Amrinder Mahal. This song was released on 13 May 2018. Its movie is Dildariyaan, starring Jassi Gill and Sagarika Ghatge and choreographer is Arvind Thakur. Its costume is Manmeet Bindra, cinematography is executed by Vineet Malhotra and written by is Jagdeep Singh Sidhu. Its edited by is Parveen Kathikuloth, executive producer is Kuldeep Kaushik and production is done by Jarnail Singh. Its designing is completed by Devan Kotak(Brainstorm).
Movie : Dildariyaan
Artist : Rahat Fateh Ali Khan / Jaspinder Narula
Label : Speed Records
Starring : Jassi Gill and Sagarika Ghatge
Produced by : Monty Shoor, Rakesh Thakar, Amrinder Mahal
Lyrics coming soon