Peengh song is sung by and . Record label of this song is Amar Audio. This song is penned by and composed by . It is produced by Pinky Dhaliwal. This song was released on 01 Aug 2016. Its peengh is 5432115746319, patta tissi wala is 5432115746397 and peengh is 5378306057. Its patta tissi wala is 5378306892, peengh is 567898306057 and patta tissi wala is 567898306892. Its peengh is 6202519, patta tissi wala is 6202520 and peengh is 8306057.

Its patta tissi wala is 8306892, editor is Kuldeep Puri and screenplay is Pardeep Kaur. Its video is created by RP Rocks.
Peengh : 5432115746319
Patta Tissi Wala : 5432115746397
Peengh : 5378306057
Patta Tissi Wala : 5378306892
Peengh : 567898306057
Lyrics coming soon