Mehrama song is sung by . Record label of this song is T-Series. This song is penned by and composed by . It is produced by Krishan Garg. This song was released on 05 Feb 2018. Its movie is Dushman, mix and mastering is achieved by Bhanu Thakur and music asst. is Durgesh Rajbhatt, Love Shankar. Its executive producer is Amish Randeo, cinematography is executed by Chakravarty and editor is Devendra Murdeshwar.
Starring: Jashan Singh, Kartar Cheema, Sakshi Gulati, Gulshan Grover, Yashpal, Savita Bhatti
Song: Mehrama
Movie: Dushman
Singer: Shipra Goyal
Music: Jaidev Kumar
Lyrics coming soon