Mausam song is sung by . Record label of this song is Amar Audio. This song is penned by and composed by . It is produced by Pinky Dhaliwal. This song was released on 15 Dec 2017. Its music ➤ d is Sanz, starring Shehzada Raj, Shine Goraya and mix and mastering is achieved by Jassi Nihaluwal. Its video is created by Bhavish, cinematography is executed by Bawa and editor/colorist is Baljinder Muhar.
Music ➤ D-Sanz
Song ➤ Mausam
Singer ➤ Shehzada Raj
Starring ➤ Shehzada Raj, Shine Goraya
Lyricist ➤ Attri
Lyrics coming soon

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