Jolly o gymkhana song is sung by . Record label of this song is Sun Tv.It stars and in leading roles. This song is penned by and composed by . It is produced by R. Udayakumar. This song was released on 19 Mar 2022.
DOP: Manoj Paramahamsa
Editor: R. Nirmal
Art: DRK Kiran
Action: Anbariv
Sound Mix: Suren. G
Raamamma Hey Raamamma
Jolly O Gymkhana
Raasamma Hey Raasamma
Kekkudha En Gaana

Raamamma Hey Raamamma
Jolly O Gymkhana
Raasamma Hey Raasamma
Sonnadhu Serdhaana

Serdhaana Serdhaanpa
Jolly O Gymkhana

Jolly O Gymkhana Song Is Releasing On 19th of March.

Stay Tuned!