Jaan song is sung by . Record label of this song is Amar Audio. This song is penned by and composed by . It is produced by Pinky Dhaliwal. This song was released on 20 Oct 2016. Its jaan is 5432115115046, thagga naal thaggi is 5432115115110 and jaan is 5376863096. Its thagga naal thaggi is 5376863077, jaan is 567896863096 and thagga naal thaggi is 567896863077. Its jaan is 3952531, thagga naal thaggi is 3952534 and jaan is 6863096. Its thagga naal thaggi is 6863077, album is Tere Na Di Mehndi.
Jaan : 5432115115046
Thagga Naal Thaggi : 5432115115110
Jaan : 5376863096
Thagga Naal Thaggi : 5376863077
Jaan : 567896863096
Lyrics coming soon