Izhaar-e-dil song is sung by . Record label of this song is SagaHits. This song is penned by and composed by . It is produced by Priyanka Banthia. This song was released on 30 Aug 2018. Its released is 15-FEB,2013, album is Maahi Vey and starring Mehar Khan | Mennakshi Arya. Its backing vocal is Anshuman, mix and mastering is achieved by Dev Basak Debu and lael is Songster & Saga. Its online partner is Unisys, executive producer is Ashish Namdeo and its directed by Manish namdeo. Its released is 15:FEB,2013.
Released: 15-FEB,2013
Song : Izhaar:E:Dil
Album : Maahi Vey
Starring : Mehar Khan | Mennakshi Arya
Lyricist | Composer | Singer : Kunal Verma
Lyrics coming soon