Etwaar full song song is sung by . Record label of this song is SagaHits. This song is penned by and composed by . It is produced by Sippy Grewal & Nitin Talwar. This song was released on 30 Aug 2018. Its film is Faraar, its directed by Baljit Singh Deo and digital partner is Unisys Infosolutions. Its writen by is Jass Grewal, cinematography is executed by Baljit Singh Deo and dialogue is Prince Kanwal jit Singh. Its designing is completed by Joe Roorigues, back ground score is Joshilay and visual effects is Makarand Surte.

Its editor is Baljit Singh Deo & Sun Gill, designing is completed by Jump and its directed by Imroz, Dubbing. Its supervisor is Pardeep Suri, mix and mastering is achieved by Joe Roorigues and movie is Faraar. Its rap by is Fateh, video is created by Sukh Sanghera.
Movie Credits :
Directed : Baljit Singh Deo
Produced by: Sippy Grewal & Nitin Talwar
Digital Partner : Unisys Infosolutions
Lyrics coming soon