Desi jatti song is sung by . Record label of this song is Amar Audio. This song is penned by and composed by . It is produced by Producer ➤ Guri Mangat. This song was released on 05 Mar 2019. Its make is Up ➤ Kanchan Bala, featuring is Abhi Rai and video is created by Montu K Sharma. Its co-producer is Guri Mangat, compose is Sukhwant Lovely and cinematography is executed by Deepak Singh. Its make-up is Kanchan Bala, creative team is Damanpreet Kaur & Jagraj Dhaliwal and production is done by Kuldeep. Its editing is made by Puneet Asp, producer is Pinky Dhaliwal.
Co:Producer ➤ Guri Mangat
Make:Up ➤ Kanchan Bala
Featuring : Abhi Rai
Video : Montu K Sharma
Co-Producer : Guri Mangat
Lyrics coming soon