Crazy kitta song is sung by . Record label of this song is SagaHits. This song is penned by and composed by . This song was released on 30 Aug 2018. Its 00 is 01 | Taur, 04 is 22 | Gadaar and 07 is 47 | Sangroor. Its 11 is 01 | Jatti, 15 is 14 | Pari and 18 is 47 | Yadaan. Its 22 is 32 | What The Jatt, 26 is 42 | Wagde Daryawan Nu and 30 is 28 | Etwaar.

Its 34 is 58 | Parne Nu, 39 is 05 | Crazy Kitta and movie is Faraar. Its movie is Gadaar-The Traitor, movie is Judge Singh L.L.B. and movie is Gadaar The Traitor. Its movie is What The Jatt.
Tracks :
00:01 | Taur
04:22 | Gadaar
07:47 | Sangroor
11:01 | Jatti
Lyrics coming soon