जिये तो जिये कैसे 2.0 Jiye Toh Jiye Kaise 2.0 Lyrics - Stebin Ben
in Album Songs
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Song Information
जिये तो जिये कैसे 2.0 jiye toh jiye kaise 2.0 song is sung by Stebin Ben. Record label of this song is Ishtar Music. This song is written by Sanjeev Chaturvedi. This song was released on 11 Jan 2022. Its starring Shoaib Ibrahim & Dipika Kakar Ibrahim, rhythm is Ajay Keswani and guitarist is Arbaaz khan. Its additional vocals (chorus) is Samar Monsoon, video is created by Garry Vilkhu and cinematography is executed by Nishan Singh. Its edit & color is Arshpreet, costume & styling is Rashmeet Kaur and ad is Samar Sandhu, Aman Tyagi. Its production is done by Fateh Film Production, makeup is done by Ketan Solanki and composer is Nadeem - Shravan.
Starring: Shoaib Ibrahim & Dipika Kakar Ibrahim
Project By: Girish Jain & Vinit Jain (Voilà! Digi)
Rhythm: Ajay Keswani
Guitarist: Arbaaz khan
Additional Vocals (Chorus): Samar Monsoon
Jiye toh jiye kaise
Haaye bin aapke
Jiye toh jiye kaise
Haaye bin aapke
Releasing on 13 January 2022.