Sharabi song is sung by and . Record label of this song is Amar Audio. This song is penned by and composed by . It is produced by Pinky Dhaliwal. This song was released on 27 Oct 2016. Its d.o.p is James, choreographer is Mohit MJ and location head is SP Singh. Its production is done by Japinder Litt, casting is done by JR Remo and RD Kalley has performed the photography of this song. Its post work is Baljinder Singh Rajowal, color grading is Aman Rajowal and in association is Kharku Makers.

Its its directed by Jagdeep Singh, its directed by Raj Verma and its directed by Aman Raikoti. Its its directed by Suraj Kumar.
D.O.P : James
Choreographer : Mohit MJ
Location Head : SP Singh
Production Head : Japinder Litt
Casting Head : JR Remo
Lyrics coming soon