Making : pasand song is sung by , , , . Record label of this song is SagaHits. This song is penned by and composed by . It is produced by Sumeet Singh. This song was released on 30 Aug 2018. Its album is Pasand, mastered by is Amit Monga and its directed by Jashan Nanarh. Its choreographer is Bunty, making by is Shavez Abbas and cinematography is executed by Regan Dadu (Reg-D). Its production is done by Reg-D Productions, costume is Chahak Nagpal and digitally managed by is Unisys infosolutions Pvt. Ltd. Its cinematography is executed by Regan Dadu (Reg:D), production is done by Reg:D Productions.
Title : Pasand
Album : Pasand
Mastered by : Amit Monga
Director : Jashan Nanarh
Producer : Sumeet Singh
Lyrics coming soon