Kundi muchh song is sung by . Record label of this song is Jass Records. This song is penned by and composed by . It is produced by Jagjitpal Singh. This song was released on 01 Mar 2016. Its choreographer | many is Shanty, designing is completed by Karan and designing is completed by Roop Kamal Singh. Its cinematography is executed by Robbo, editor is Monty and choreographer is Many - Shanty. Its make up is Prabh, production is done by Studio Moviedom and designing is completed by Bride Designer Boutique - Karan. Its GDeep Sidhu has performed the photography of this song, video is created by Jass Filmz.
Choreographer | Many : Shanty
Costume Designer | Bride Designer Boutique : Karan
Concept : Screenplay : Direction | Anmol Gagan Maan
Label | Jass Records (94780:69934)
Title : Kundi Muchh
Lyrics coming soon