Jaan jaan song is sung by . Record label of this song is Amar Audio. This song is penned by and composed by . It is produced by Pinky Dhaliwal. This song was released on 11 Oct 2016. Its jaan jaan is 5432115922079, jhootha pyar is 5432115922099 and jaan jaan is 5378599326. Its jhootha pyar is 5378599365, jaan jaan is 567898599326 and jhootha pyar is 567898599365. Its jaan jaan is 6410114, jhootha pyar is 6410115 and jaan jaan is 8599326.

Its jhootha pyar is 8599365, editor is 4 K Lover and video is created by Ashmit Rai.
Jaan Jaan : 5432115922079
Jhootha Pyar : 5432115922099
Jaan Jaan : 5378599326
Jhootha Pyar : 5378599365
Jaan Jaan : 567898599326
Lyrics coming soon

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