Bulandiyaan song is sung by and . Record label of this song is TSeries. This song is penned by and composed by . It is produced by Mayank Raghava, Deepti Ragahava, Shivani Chauhan. This song was released on 07 Feb 2019. Its co produced is Aman Maingi, movie releasing on is 7 February 2019 and acoustic rythm is Pratap Rath. Its mix and mastering is achieved by Partha Protim Das.
Produced by : Mayank Raghava, Deepti Ragahava, Shivani Chauhan
Co produced: Aman Maingi
Movie Releasing On : 7 February 2019
Song : Bulandiyaan
Lyrics:Abhendra Kumar Upadhyay
Lyrics coming soon